Making this post as a public record kind of thing, to ensure the future of Bru & Boegie stays clear of complications. And maybe of interest to anyone else reading. In 2006, I participated in the Triggerfish/Disney Story Lab, an initiative to support South African storytellers in animation. I pitched…

2024 WRAP post
Wow. The year is coming to a close. And what a year it’s been. I hope you enjoy this amazing Bru & Boegie diorama that my talented girlfriend Louise made, complete with seasonal fancy-wear. I love it. I thought I’d wrap up with a summary of some stuff I wanted…

Some Comics
Dear people who are reading this right now. Thank you for coming. When writing a post I find it’s good practice to wait for inspiration to strike so that I’m in the zone a bit, so that it’s an enjoyable experience and not a chore. As you know, I sometimes…

Guys, I’m in the process of giving my site a facelift and came across this Bru & Boegie COVID-19 comic I did during lockdown. It’s… wild. Displaying in a much better format, a slideshow. Click the < or > buttons to navigate the panels, or use the <- left and…